Veterinary Surgery Stratford
Pet Surgery is generally divided into soft tissue surgeries and orthopedic surgeries. Soft tissue surgeries encompass abdomen, thorax and skin (e.g. wound repair), while orthopedic surgeries focus on bones, tendons, and joints (e.g. fracture repair)
The most common surgeries performed in our veterinary hospital are elective soft tissue surgeries such as spays and neuters. However, we also perform many other soft tissue surgeries such as surgery of the urinary bladder, stomach and intestines, anal glands, eyelids, nose, ears, and skin. Orthopedic surgeries performed at our hospital include cruciate ligament repair and amputation.
Surgical Procedures
Veterinary surgery has undergone a tremendous revolution in the past 10 years. With recent advances in equipment and instrumentation, anesthesia and pain management, we are now able to offer exciting and safe surgical treatment options. It is standard at our hospital that for each surgical procedure, your pet will be kept warm, clean, and comfortable, will be continuously monitored by a registered veterinary technician, will have breathing, heart rate and blood pressure monitored constantly, and will receive at least 3 different types of pain medication. In addition, we offer a wide range of pain medication options to meet each individual pet’s post-surgical pain needs.
Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work
It is important that you know that for any anesthetic procedure, pre-anesthetic blood work is usually run on patients. Such blood testing is performed to check the kidneys, the liver, blood sugar and protein levels. As well, red and white blood cell information is determined.
All of the blood work parameters allow us to minimize the risks to your pet that can be associated with anesthesia. More extensive blood testing is performed in our more senior patients for this same reason of safety.
Intravenous Fluids
Intravenous fluids are usually administered during anesthesia. Many drugs used for general anesthesia tend to cause decreases in blood pressure. Intravenous fluids combat this decrease.
In addition, if there are any unforeseen adverse reactions under anesthesia, an intravenous catheter allows immediate intravenous administration of potentially lifesaving medications.